Hello all,
I’m starting ground school this week in hopes to start getting flight hours and my private pilots license to become competitive and get a Pilot slot. Any pilots on here that I can talk to about the process and the experience you have had flying in the military? Please PM me! Thank you.
My daughter will be 3 next month and she has always slept in bed with me and nursed on demand. It was wonderful until about 7ish months ago when she began waking up to nurse multiple times throughout the night. She used to nurse right back to sleep but now it takes her longer to fall asleep and she is soooo sleep deprived during the day (as am I) to the point that I’m worried about her. I’ve consulted our pediatrician (who told me to night wean and move her to her own bed) and an IBCLC who said it might be a ferritin deficiency and to day wean first. I don’t know what advice to listen to and I’m absolutely desperate to see my child properly rested and sleeping better at night. My husband often sleeps in another room to avoid causing any more disturbance to our sleep but I feel like he could be helping in some way? Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Estou fazendo um canva de relatórios de suspeitos e locais, quais informações seriam interessantes de colocar nele? por exemplo, contato com o paranormal, culto, rituais conhecidos, capacidades mudanas, objetos, etc, etc
Last night I had a weird dream about a Scooby-Doo special. It starts off with a group of kids who won a prize to see a brand new boat at a beach resort in Hawaii that the Scooby-gang worked on with in-built AI that made it more efficient at saving people in storms. Each of the kids had a go signing their name on the boat except for one, who was shy.
Later on everyone left to tell stories around a camp fire, except for the shy girl who snuck off to sign her name. As she was signing, the boat all of a sudden started to move and the girl quickly climbed inside to see who was controlling it. Turns out, no-one was and the boat just left everyone behind at the docks!
Once the campfire was over, Scooby and the kids found out what happened and they begin to panic. Velma then noticed one of the kids is gone and she wondered if she accidentally piloted the boat into the ocean.
Meanwhile on the boat, the young girl panicked and tried to wrangle the controls as best she could. As she tried her best to steer the craft, she suddenly heard the radio crackle. She picked it up and on the other end heard Velma's voice. Velma guided the young girl on how to manually override the vehicle before the radio got out of range.
Back on land, Daphne noticed how windy it'd got, which made Velma come to the conclusion that the boat moved AWAY from storms, instead of TO them. Unfortunately, no-one's phone could get a signal to try and save them. Just then Velma realised that the girl on the boat may be able to, since she was between islands at the time. She then informed the girl on the boat to stay where she was and to try to contact rescue services. The scene then cut to the next day, where everyone had been rescued from the storm. Velma then thanked the young girl and asked what her name was and without her, everyone else would have been in serious trouble. The young girl then replied "Mon Star". Credits roll.
This by the way was a prequel to an episode of What's New Scooby-Doo (fake one BTW, dream was weird) where a scientist with the same name got wrongly arrested for someone tinkering with her code. It had long discussed as being the worst episode of the series. The last thing that happened before I woke up was reading Reddit comments about how awful it was and that we'll never see her again to make things right (comment was made before the prequel (above)).
I read this article yesterday and was just curious if ordinary Spaniards are reaping the rewards of a booming economy or if the story on the ground is a lot different
Here’s the revised version with the addition:
We are looking for a skilled and versatile individual to join our EliteServe agency. The tasks will vary, and the selected candidate must be able to adapt to different requests. There will be a selection test before joining, and the compensation is highly attractive. If you are interested in this opportunity, feel free to apply or contact me directly on [email protected]
Best regards,
Has anyone used the modified Jack Sparrow deck by Peter? I'm thinking of using the Bio/Biochem deck or should I just use the Bio/biochem deck by Jackwestin? Is it recommended/not recommended? Help, thanks
Hi all to gov champions 😊
I bought a tiny whoop for myself and now my kids also want to play around with a drone. Because I don’t want to have them crashing my drone even further I wanted to buy a cheap drone from AliExpress and add it an also cheap camera. Do you have any combo (drone plus camera) suggestions?
Thank you all for your help!
Jose was only suppose to stay a month it’s 2 months pushing on 3 . As Jake wants to help Jose but jose wants to help his self to jakes money and does not want to help himself by using any effort .
I got an 2008 Envoy with 197k miles on it. And I was wondering how to fix a check engine light because I need it to be off to pass inspection in my state. The code is for (P3400). Is it a bad code? Is it cheap to fix? Is it worth it to keep to vehicle or should I just sell it for parts?
I've just started posting subliminals to my youtube, and I need some ideas on what to make. I have one down that I need to do but I need more ideas. Anyone got subliminal topics they'd like to see?
(Also first post and new to reddit so excuse if this is laid out weird!)